I met Peter Capaldi from The Thick Of It, as we were walking near the front with the group I was with, Cap and Share.
Two of our group were amongst those selected to go and meet Environment Secretary Ed Miliband afterwards.
But it was quiet! The first march I've ever been on where a policeman said to me "you're not making enough noise!"
The police kept a low profile, and perhaps the reason that the march did not achieve more prominence in the news was that there was no trouble.
The British government knows that it has to go to Copenhagen to secure the best possible legally binding deal to secure a result that will keep global warming below 2°C. The problem is that this is virtually impossible and the slogan that we shall be uniting up around of we are totally serious about addressing the problem is zero carbon-equivalent emissions from now on.
This is because the emissions already in the atmosphere will result in a temperature rise over 2°C.
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