- The Scottish and Welsh assemblies have green and anti-Westminster coalitions. Both are pro-peace, and anti-nuclear power and nuclear weapons
- Seven British cabinet ministers have admitted to smoking dope
- The super-Lotteries have been scrapped
- The Daily Mail attempt to smear the Labout Administration has failed
- Here in Wales the new cabinet gives fresh hope for international peace and justice:
- Of the three Plaid Cymru ministers, Rhodri Glyn Thomas is a former Chair of
CND Cymru and Elin Jones and has been a speaker at all the peace and justice demonstrations in Aberystwyth over the past 5 years - Labour cabinet members include: Brian Gibbons, who spoke regularly at anti - nuclear medical campaign against Nuclear Weapons meetings in the 1980s;
- Jane Hutt is an ex-Greenham Common campaigner
- Edwina Hart supported the Stop the War protests in 2002-3
- John Griffiths is against nuclear power was involved in Stop the War
protests - Jane Davidson has recently pledged to work to reverse the senseless House of Commons vote to replace Trident.
- Of the three Plaid Cymru ministers, Rhodri Glyn Thomas is a former Chair of
I've always been too much of an optimist whilst writing dystopic narratives. Perhaps with Blair out of the way, we have a window of opportunity to work with more chance of success for a fairer, more peaceful and environmentally sane world.
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