Friday, December 16, 2005

Microgeneration: the way forward

By 2050, we could be seeing 30-40% of our power coming from tiny turbines and roof-top PV and thermal solar panels, says a report commissioned by the DTI, and there could be a significant uptake within just ten years.

But this won't happen given the derisory support currently given by the DTI to this type of technology.

The recently-announced £30m over 3 years for its Low Carbon Buildings Programme is LESS than the previous / current grants they replace, like the Clear Skies.

Think how little this will buy.

Parliament needs to unblock The Management of Energy in Buildings Bill, promoted by Alan Whitehead MP. It proposes to increase the energy efficiency and use of renewables in buildings, and to reduce fuel poverty.

The Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Bill should also be passed.

Potential for Microgeneration

The report, Potential for Microgeneration - study and analysis, has been published by the Energy Saving Trust and was carried out to feed into the DTI's Low Carbon Building programme.

EST chief executive Philip Sellwood said: "Over the next ten to 40 years a large proportion of homes in the UK could be generating their own energy."

Energy Minister Malcolm Wicks said: "I would like more micro wind turbines, solar panels and other technologies on schools, homes and businesses as they can make a real difference in reducing the UK's carbon emissions, as well as helping people to understand better where our energy comes from and increase their energy efficiency. "

So pass these bills, stupid.

But more likely they are waiting for the Government's Microgeneration Strategy, due in April.

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