Tomorrow is the 20th anniversary of the world's worst accident. Some of the Low Carbon Kid's colleagues in the Keep Wales Nuclear Free group have been modelling what would happen if a similar incident occured in the UK.
The model assumes it happens at Wylfa, Wales' only nuclear plant on Anglesey. The map below links to a bigger version.

Other maps:
Chernobyl-like accident at Oldbury
Chernobyl-like accident at Hinkley Point
We are not saying it's likely to happen, but it's not outside the bounds of possibility as this article explains.
Quite apart from accidental disaster, in light of 9/11 we also need to be aware that nuclear reactors are potential terrorist targets and that they are not designed to withstand impacts from passenger jets like those that demolished the Twin Towers.
We are currently waiting for the Government's decision on whether to build a new generation of nuclear power stations following its current energy review.
The Keep Wales Nuclear Free campaign received full-page coverage in the Western Mail on April 22. The Western Mail article is here.
Thanks to David Baines and Ian Taylor.
Technorati Tags: Energy; Oil; Environment; ClimateChange; Nuclear;
Talk about the height of irresponsibility on your part. The reactor at Chernobyl wasn't anything like the reactors in the West, and it's more than a bit specious to suggest otherwise.
Click here for more.
The authors are not suggesting the reactor or the circumstances of an accident might be the same. As the linked article makes clear the cause of an explosion could be of any type, including terrorist attack, to which any type of reactor is vulnerable. To say "it could never happen here" is itself "the height of irresponsibility", surely?
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